Wednesdays, starting Oct. 4
Classes held at Story Parlor
Registration is through the Great Smokies Writers Program, a joint effort between the UNC Asheville departments of English, Creative Writing, and the Asheville Graduate Center.
Click the link below and scroll down to the “10-Week Classes” section to register.
In this course, we will learn a variety of approaches to revising a draft. Each student will bring in a short prose piece to try out new techniques on. Filters include amplification, writing close to the body, collage technique, sectioning, and voice editing. Each class we will focus on one unique “filter.” Instructor Sebastian Matthews will provide examples from contemporary fiction and nonfiction and give in-class and out-of-class exercises.
The Great Smokies Writers Program is committed to providing the community with affordable university-level classes led by published writers and experienced teachers. Each course carries academic credit awarded through UNC Asheville. The program offers opportunities for writers of all levels to join a supportive learning community in which their skills and talents can be explored, practiced, and forged under the careful eye of professional writers.
Sebastian Matthews is the author of a memoir, In My Father’s Footsteps, and two books of poetry, We Generous and Miracle Day. His hybrid collection of poetry and prose, Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision, won the silver medal at the Independent Publishers Book Awards. His new book Beyond Repair: Living in a Fractured State, a memoir in essays, came out in 2020. He is also the author of The Life & Times of American Crow, a collage novel in paperback. Learn more at