Lilly Danzis

  • “I believe in the restorative magic of imagination and collective storytelling. Through story-focused roleplaying games, imaginative strengthening, and writing launchpads, my work as a facilitator aims to open the portal for participants to discover their inner story magicians.”

  • "Lilly helped me experience the creative joy of role playing games for the first time! Our group was expertly led on an adventure that was hilarious and exciting and at the same time thought-provoking and bonding for the players." -Torin K.

    "Lilly opens up new worlds of imagination, sparking creative connection and cultivating group cooperation through this RPG workshop. Lilly demonstrates how adaptability and flow are cornerstones of RPG and how such conditions make way for the imagination to be set free!" -Natalie C.

    "Lilly's lovely facilitation style brought out surprising and exciting creativity from participants, whether they were familiar with RPG’s or not. I believe writers will greatly benefit from this unique and imaginative way of teaching." -Amy A.

LILLY DANZIS (they/them)

After earning their BA in English (concentration in Creative Writing) from UNC Asheville in 2018, Lilly returned to their alma mater to work as Administrative Assistant for the Great Smokies Writing Program. They have the joy of working with talented local writers and exceptional literary arts organizations, and they are beyond excited to join Story Parlor's Creative Facilitator Collective. Outside of work, they procrastinate various writing projects by hiking, reading, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and showing people pictures of their cats. 
