Rules and Regulations


 Check-Out List

  • Breakdown and neatly put away any tables/chairs/supplies used.

  • Close back room door and make sure it, and any lockers accessed, are locked.

  • Turn off any electric candles by using the remote (opposed to the manual switch).

  • Set thermostat to 72 degrees.

  • Empty trash bins if full and/or if food was disposed by yourself or your guests.

  • Do a quick sweep and/or swiffer of the space as needed.

  • Make sure bathrooms are fully stocked, cleaned, and that the toilet lids are down.

  • Close all curtains.

  • Turn off all lights and fans.

Cleaning and restocking supplies are located in the cleaning cabinet in the second floor bathroom, with the broom and swiffer located in the back room behind the door.



Per fire safety regulations, total capacity cannot exceed 49 people. If the scheduled rental is discovered to have over the max capacity of people allowed in the building (49), the Contracting Party will forfeit their security deposit and the credit card on file will be charged a fee of $25 per extra head/person after 49, for negligence to abide by the city-ordained occupancy rate.


There is absolutely no smoking allowed inside the building or on the general premises.


Trash must be taken out if full and/or if any food or olfactory items were disposed. Bins are located to the side of the building, off Howard Street. Extra trash bags are in the cleaning cabinet, located in the second floor restroom. All recycling must be hauled off site by the Contracting Party. Please note the blue bin on Howard Street does not belong to Story Parlor.

Drugs and Alcohol

No illegal substances are permitted on site, nor is the Contracting Party permitted to bring in any outside alcohol unless a special one-time permit is granted through both Story Parlor and the ABC and liability insurance is secured.


No pets are permitted on the premises.

Open Flames

The use of fire, open flames, candles, bunsen burners, and/or incense is prohibited. This includes birthday candles.

Gifts and Personal Affects

Please ensure that all personal items and gifts are accounted for prior to leaving the building. Story Parlor will not be responsible for equipment, lost items, gifts, or decorations left behind.


The use of push pins, thumb tags, and scotch tape for decorating are permitted. The use of nails, staples, duct tape, common strips, or screws are prohibited and shall not be affixed to the interior or exterior of the facility. The use of candles, confetti, glitter, rocks, pebbles, moss, silly string, hay/straw, sand, sequins, rice or bird seed are prohibited in the building or on the grounds. Decorations may NOT be hung from the ceiling tiles. Decorations, including signage or posters of any kind, on the outside of the building and grounds are NOT permitted. No alterations of any kind or type shall be made. The Contracting Party and their associates shall not injure, deface, mark, damage, or destroy the facility or grounds.

Point of Egress

Any set up must include a clear and easy point of egress to the exit and restrooms at all times. Further, any loose chords crossing any open space or throughways must be secured with gaffers tape (for the floor) or painters tape (over the walls or baseboards).

Artwork, Books, and Sundries

Artwork on display must not be taken down, moved, touched, or covered. This includes the books and macrame hanging in the main room. Further, please ensure guests do NOT touch the hanging moss art.

Sound Levels

The sound level of audio equipment must be tuned to an acceptable volume and conducted in a way which does not interfere with nor be a nuisance to neighboring businesses and residents.


Contracting Parties shall give immediate notice to Story Parlor in case of accidents or damage of or on the facility or defects therein of any fixtures or equipment, or of any known emergency in the facility. Contracting Parties will remove personal property (to exclude any prior cubby/storage agreements) and not cause or allow any damage to the artwork on display, facility, or grounds. Contracting Parties agree that if their patrons, invitees, participants, employees, and agents cause any damage to the facility, artwork, equipment, or furniture, the Contracting Party is liable for all extraordinary cleaning charges, and all such damage, and shall hold harmless Story Parlor therefrom. The Contracting Party agrees that the cost of all damages, or additional cleaning charges and storage costs may be deducted from the security deposit, and if the security deposit is insufficient, they are liable for deficiency.