These monthly get-togethers combine a mix of community and topics that pertain to the creative process. Each gathering is dedicated to a specific subject (ranging from common blocks like perfectionism and various fears, to things like storytelling and finding ideas).
THIS MONTH’S TOPIC: Dealing with Overwhelm
This month’s facilitator: Erin Hallagan Clare
The Mixers are non-committal and donation based—feel free to attend as your schedule allows. We will open with some topic-inspired activities and then any willing participants have the opportunity to share something they are working on (or working through!).
The agenda:
7:00-7:10 | A short "settling in" task
7:10-7:20 | Check-in/Roundtable
7:20-8:00 | Workshop on this month's topic
8:00-8:05 | Break
8:05-8:30 | Creative Shares*
*For the second half of each Mixer, we'll open the floor up for "Creative Shares" where folks will be given the chance to share 5 minutes of a piece or idea they're currently working on/through. There will be a sign-up sheet at the door as your arrive; we will get through as many shares as time allows.
What to bring:
Notebook/pen or pencil
An open mind!
A "creative share" if you feel so inclined
Suggested donation:
$20 (cash, check, or Venmo accepted at the door)