If this event interests you, be sure to check out the “Creating Compelling Characters with the Enneagram” class, which starts April 10!
A wisdom system used for spiritual evolution, psychological growth, and self-discovery, the Enneagram is also a powerful tool for creatives. Its nine types contain both microcosms and macrocosms, opening new pathways into the imagination. Join us for an evening of art infused with the wisdom of the Enneagram featuring four local presenters. Presenters will speak about how the Enneagram has shaped their creative journeys and share a piece of original work.
Presented by The Enneagram School of Awakening
The Enneagram School of Awakening is an IEA-accredited school dedicated to the awakening of all beings through the wisdom and embodiment of our true nature. We honor each student wherever they are on the journey from fixation to freedom. The school offers in-person and virtual workshops for beginners and advanced students, as well as an 11-month in-depth certification in the Embodiment Tradition for coaches, therapists, artists, teachers, spiritual leaders, and more.